Naked goby
(Gobiosoma bosc)


Species: Gobiosoma bosc

General data

Scientific names: Naked goby
Habitat: Saltwater
Climates: Subtropical, Temperate
Native to coast of: North America
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean

Gobiosoma bosc (naked goby) is a fish named for its lack of scales. This is a true goby; it is part of the genus Gobiosoma.

The naked goby is usually less than 2 inches in length and lacks scales. The pelvic fins of the naked goby are linked together by a membrane, fitting the purpose of a sucker-like disk. The fin also reaches a point between the base and the anus. It ranges in color from a pale yellow to a murky brown, and is variably marked along its body.

Generally, naked gobies live in estuaries and coastal waters. It is noted that naked gobies may bury themselves in bottom sediments in the winter.

The naked goby is found in the Western Atlantic from Connecticut to Mexico. It lives almost exclusively in habitats with brackish water. Younger members of the species are commonly found in estuaries south of New Jersey and only sporadically in estuaries north of New Jersey.