Lined surgeonfish
(Acanthurus lineatus)
Acanthurus lineatus
Acanthurus - Surgeonfishes
Family: Acanthuridae - Surgeonfishes
Superclass: Osteichthyes - Bony fishes
General data
Scientific names:
Lined surgeonfish
Local names:
Blue banded surgeonfish, Blue-lined surgeonfish, Clown surgeonfish, Pyjama tang, Striped surgeonfish, Zebra surgeonfish
Tropical, Subtropical
This species reaches about 38 centimeters in length.
Much of the body has black-edged blue and yellow stripes, and the top of the head is striped with yellow. The belly is grayish. The pectoral fins have darkened rays and the pelvic fins are yellow-brown with black margins. Individuals from around the Philippines vary in coloration.
A. lineatus occurs in the Indian Ocean from East Africa to the western Pacific Ocean to the Great Barrier Reef, Japan, Polynesia, and Hawaii.