Terms and Conditions

What can I post?

You can post a photo in one of the categories:

  • Catch (of the fish),
  • Nature (photo of river, lake, animals around or in water…),
  • Fishing tackle,
  • Ichthyology (interesting facts about fish species),
  • Ecological problem,
  • Underwater photography or
  • Photo made during the fishing (without a catch).

Catch & Release is not obligatory, but it must be an outdoor photo, and the catch must be treated with respect.

The catch must respect all local fishing rules and regulations.
Avoid posting photos of bloody fish.
If necessary, crop the photo to emphasize the catch.
Avoid posting blurry photos.
How can I tag my photo?
Click on the Add catch button or go to All catches or to My profile page, then click on the description field. Three buttons will be shown.
Use the first one (Attach a photo) to select a photo from your device.
Use the second one (Tag your Catch) to select a date of the catch, category, fishing technique, water and fish species.
Use the third button to tag your fishing gear.
Klick on the Post button to finish and publish your catch.
Remember that you can tag only one fish and one water in one post, so it is best not to mix different catches in one post. If you have a photo with more than one species, you must select which one to tag.

What can I do if I am not sure what I have caught?

No worries! Just leave the fish species field blank and others will tag your catch.

What can I do if the fish species is missing in Tag my Fish database?

Upload a catch and write a lokal or latin name of the fish in the description field or on the comment. Will will review your catch and if the fish species is missing it will be added to the database and your catch will be tagged.
What can I do if the water is missing in Tag my Fish database?Upload a catch and write a name of the water description field or on the comments. If possible, tag the drainage and the country. Will will add a missing water and tag it in your catch.

Can I change tags?

Yes, just click on the Show Tags button and on the group of tags you want to change (Edit Catch Tags or Edit Gear Tags).

Can I post a text without a photo?

Yes you can, but Tag my Fish is a photo orientated platform, so prefer to upload and tag a photo.