Andalusian barbel
(Luciobarbus sclateri)


Species: Luciobarbus sclateri

General data

Scientific names: Andalusian barbel
Habitat: Freshwater
Climates: Subtropical, Temperate
Native: Europe
Distribution: Guadalquivir, Segura, Mira

The Andalusian barbel (Luciobarbus sclateri) is a freshwater fish species in the family Cyprinidae. It is endemic to the southern part Iberian Peninsula, where it occurs in both Portugal and Spain. It inhabits the middle and lower parts of rivers, between the Segura and Mira rivers.

It is not very particular as regards its habitat choice and will use anything except small cool torrential mountain streams.

The Andalusian barbel is quite abundant and not considered a threatened species by the IUCN, though locally populations may go extinct during summer droughts which isolate and dry up small creeks it inhabits. Habitat fragmentation, which is already affecting the species, is exacerbated by this.