Flagfin mojarra
(Eucinostomus melanopterus)


Species: Eucinostomus melanopterus

General data

Scientific names: Flagfin mojarra
Habitat: Amfidromous
Climates: Tropical, Subtropical
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean

Eastern Atlantic: west African coast, from Senegal to Angola. Also reported from Mauritania.

Western Atlantic: Bermuda and Florida, USA to Brazil.

Max length: 30 cm TL

Dorsal spines (total): 9; Dorsal soft rays (total): 10; Anal spines: 3; Anal soft rays: 7 - 8.

Body fusiform and compressed; snout pointed; mouth strongly protrusible; nostrils contiguous, positioned nearer to eye than to snout tip; dorsal fin deeply notched; tips of pectoral fins not reaching to anal-fin origin; scales cycloid on head and finely ctenoid on body; scales of interocular space reaching anterior border of eyes; tip of spinous dorsal fin with a black spot, underlined by a whitish band.

Coloration: back olivaceous, sides silvery; a characteristic black spot at tip of spiny part of dorsal fin; young individuals may show dark vertical bars on back and sides.

A coastal species entering estuaries, lower courses of coastal rivers, and lagoons. Found over sand or mud bottom.

Feeds on fish, shrimps, mollusks, zooplankton and detritus.