Italian Riffle Dace
(Telestes muticellus)
Image source: robertopegolo |
Europe: Adriatic basin from Brenta to Vomano drainages (Italy, Switzerland); Tyrrhenian basin from Bevera (French-Italian border) to Volturno drainages (Italy). Introduced to Liguria and southern Italy.
Max length: 17 cm SL
Diagnosed from its congeners by having the following characters: conspicuous black midlateral stripe and conspicuous black line along lateral line in preserved individuals; in life, broad gold-orange stripe; lateral line yellow, bordered on echo side by a narrow black line; 43-49 + 2-3 scales along lateral line; 3½ scale rows between lateral line and pelvic origin; anal fin with 8½ branched rays; tip of snout rounded, snout projecting beyond tip of upper lip; and eye diameter 3.3-3.6 times in HL.