Tete sea catfish
(Ariopsis seemanni)

General data
The Tete sea catfish (Ariopsis seemanni) or Colombian shark catfish is a species of sea catfish in the family Ariidae, native to Pacific-draining rivers and estuaries in Central and South America, from Mexico to Peru.
Widespread down the Pacific coastline of Central America and the north-eastern tip of South America. Populations exist in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.
Mainly inhabits the mouths of rivers emptying into the Pacific Ocean, sometimes travelling many miles inland. It is usually found in brackish conditions, but can also withstand full marine and to a lesser, extent, freshwater. Inhabits medium and large rivers to an elevation of at least 25 m.
Max length: 44.4 cm TL; max. published weight: 912 g.