Shaksha Lake
Smaller tributaries
Perciformes - Perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Gasterosteiformes - Sticklebacks
Perciformes - Perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Gasterosteiformes - Sticklebacks
Shakshinskoye (Bulgarian: Shagsha Nuur, simplified: Shaksha) is the second largest lake (after Arakhley ) in the Ivano-Arakhley lake system in the south of the Vitim Plateau in the Transbaikal Territory. It is located 85 km west of the city of Chita . It belongs to the Selenga River basin.
The water surface area is 53.6 km², the catchment area is 439 km², the length is 10.8 km, the greatest width is 6.6 km. The greatest depth is 6.2 m. The height above sea level is 968 m. The volume of water in the lake is 0.23 km 3. The length of the coastline is 28.2 km.