Shortbeard grenadier
(Coryphaenoides brevibarbis)


Species: Coryphaenoides brevibarbis

General data

Scientific names: Shortbeard grenadier
Habitat: Saltwater
Climates: Temperate, Subpolar
Native to coasts of: Europe, North America
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean

Depth range: 430 - 4700 m
Northeast Atlantic: east of southern Greenland southward to the Azores; Irish continental slope to the Bay of Biscay and off northern Spain. Western Atlantic off the coasts of North America.

Max length : 35 cm

Mandible with a single row of teeth. Spinules or scales disposed in slightly diverging rows. Head scaled except for gular and branchiostegal membranes, lower surface of snout and sub orbital region, lunate area on either side of the snout. Body pale brown, lips, lining of gill cavities and peritoneum blackish.