Dark shyshark
(Haploblepharus pictus)

General data

Scientific names: Dark shyshark
Habitat: Saltwater
Climates: Subtropical, Temperate
Native to coast of: Africa
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean

The dark shyshark or pretty happy (Haploblepharus pictus) is a species of catshark, belonging to the family Scyliorhinidae, endemic to the temperate waters off southern Namibia and western South Africa.

It is benthic in nature and inhabits shallow, inshore waters and favors rocky reefs and kelp forests.

Growing to 60 cm (24 in) long, this small, stocky shark has a wide, flattened head with a rounded snout and a large flap of skin extending from before the nostrils to the mouth. Its dorsal coloration is extremely variable and may feature black-edged orange to blackish saddles and/or white spots on a light brown to nearly black background.

When threatened, the dark shyshark curls into a ring with its tail covering its eyes, hence the name shyshark.

It preys mainly on small crustaceans, bony fishes, and molluscs. Reproduction is oviparous and proceeds throughout the year. Females lay two egg cases at a time, which hatch after 6–10 months. This harmless species is of little commercial significance due to its small size. It is frequently caught by recreational fishers and persecuted as a pest. The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) has listed the dark shyshark under Least Concern, as it is common and does not appear to be substantially threatened by fishing or habitat degradation.