Achilles tang
(Acanthurus achilles)

General data
Acanthurus achilles has an elongated oval-shaped body with a steep dorsal profile to the head. The small, protrusible mouth is positioned low on the head with between 8 and 28 teeth fixed on each jaw, each having a flattened, serrated tip. The dorsal fin is supported by 9 spines and between 29 and 33 soft rays while the anal fin contains 3 spines and 26 to 29 soft rays. There is a single mobile spine on each side of the caudal peduncle which folds down into a slit. The caudal fin is concave.
The overall colour is bluish-black with an irregular oval orange blotch on the rear of the body, a white bar on the gill cover, a wide orange bar on the caudal fin which also has a white posterior margin. There is a pale blue ring around just inside the snout tip.
This species reaches a maximum total length of 24 cm (9.4 in).
Acanthurus achilles is found in various reefs of Oceania, up to the islands of Hawaii and Pitcairn. The fish is also, although less commonly, found in the Mariana Islands and even some reefs in southern Mexico and Guatemala. It is a benthopelagic species which inhabits the clear waters on the seaward side of reefs.