Short-nosed unicornfish
(Naso brevirostris)

Naso brevirostris
Naso - Unicornfishes
Family: Acanthuridae - Surgeonfishes
Superclass: Osteichthyes - Bony fishes
General data
Scientific names:
Short-nosed unicornfish
Tropical, Subtropical
Naso brevirostris can reach a maximum length of 60 centimeters (24 in).
These fishes have an elongate, oval body, with a short snout and a small, protrusible mouth. They are olivaceous brown to bluish grey in color, with a prominent horn, many small dark spots on the head, and short irregular lines on the sides of the body.
The anterior part of the body is rather pale.The tail is whitish with dark blotch. The caudal knives are relatively larger in males (sexual dimorphism).
These fishes have six dorsal spines, 27-29 dorsal soft rays and 27-30 anal soft rays. Subadults show dark spots on head and body, while juveniles lack the prominent horn.
Naso brevirostris is widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans.