Barred spinefoot
(Siganus doliatus)

General data
Siganus doliatus grows to a length of about 25 cm (10 in). The dorsal fin has thirteen spines and ten soft rays while the anal fin has seven spines and nine soft rays. The spines are robust and venomous. This fish is yellow with a network of fine blue lines on the body, giving it a pattern that resembles a printed circuit board and leads to one of its common names, scribbled rabbitfish. There are two oblique, dark stripes, one running from just below the mouth, through the eye to the nape, and one passing through the operculum.
Siganus doliatus is a marine fish which occurs in the tropical regions, especially found in western Pacific Ocean. Its range extends from eastern Indonesia northwards to Palau and Kosrae, and southward to northern Australia and Tonga. It occurs on the seaward side of reefs and on reef edges, and also in deep lagoons and coral-rich areas in lagoons. Its depth ranges from 2 to 15 meters.