Barred moray
(Echidna polyzona)

Image source: Jo's Animal Database
General data
The barred moray (Echidna polyzona), also known as the banded moray, the dark-banded eel, the girdled moray, the girdled reef eel, the many banded moray eel, the ringed moray, the ringed reef moray, the striped moray and the zebra eel,) is a moray eel of the family Muraenidae.
It is a marine, tropical eel which is known from the Indo-Pacific, including the Red Sea, East Africa, the Hawaiian Islands, the Marquesan Islands, the Tuamotus Islands, the Ryukyu Islands, and the Great Barrier Reef. It dwells at a depth range of 2 to 20 metres (6.6 to 65.6 ft), and leads a benthic lifestyle in reefs and shallow lagoons.
Males can reach a maximum total length of 72.3 centimetres (28.5 in).
It is sometimes confused with the Zebra moray (Gymnomuraena).