Inland silverside
(Menidia beryllina)

General data

Scientific names: Inland silverside
Habitat: Amfidromous
Climate: Subtropical
Distribution: Atlantic Ocean

The inland silverside (Menidia beryllina) is a neotropical silverside native to eastern North America, and introduced into California. It is a fish of estuaries and freshwater environments.

Inland silversides are quite elongate even for silverside, with lengths six to seven times depth. They have large eyes, a considerably upturned mouth, and a head noticeably flattened on top. Of the two widely separated dorsal fins, the anterior fin is small and has four to five weak spines, while the posterior fin is larger, with one spine and eight or nine rays. The lengthy anal fin is somewhat sickle-shaped, has one spine and 16 to 18 rays. As befits the name, they are silvery on the sides; the back is somewhat yellow, and the underside is a translucent green. These are small fish, with 15 cm recorded, but most adults 10 cm or less.[citation needed]