Hairy blenny
(Labrisomus nuchipinnis)


Species: Labrisomus nuchipinnis
Family: Labrisomidae

General data

Scientific names: Hairy blenny
Habitat: Saltwater
Climates: Tropical, Subtropical

Labrisomus nuchipinnis, the hairy blenny, is a species of labrisomid blenny native to the Atlantic Ocean from the coast of the Americas to the African coast.

This species prefers areas that give them crevices and holes to shelter in such as areas with rock or rubble substrates, reefs or beds of seagrass. They can be found in shallow water only a few centimeters deep to a depth of 10 metres (33 ft) though they are much rarer deeper than 5 metres (16 ft). Carnivorous, they prey on such animals as crustaceans, gastropods, echinoderms such as urchins and brittle stars, polychaete worms and other fishes.

This species can reach a length of 23 centimetres (9.1 in) TL.