Shadow trevally
(Carangoides dinema)

Image source: Jo's Animal Database
General data
The shadow trevally (Carangoides dinema), also known as the shadow kingfish, twothread trevally or Aldabra trevally, is a species of inshore marine fish in the jack family Carangidae.
The species is patchily distributed throughout the tropical and subtropical waters of the Indian and west Pacific Oceans, from South Africa in the west to Japan and Samoa in the east, reaching as far south as Indonesia and New Caledonia.
It is most easily distinguished from similar species by as series of dark rectangular blotches under the second dorsal fin, giving a shadowed appearance, from which its common name is derived.
The shadow trevally is a reasonably large fish, growing to 85 cm in length and at least 2.6 kg in weight.
It inhabits shallow coastal waters, including reefs, bays, and estuaries, where it takes small fish and benthic crustaceans as prey.