Murray cod
(Maccullochella peelii)

General data
The iconic Murray Cod is the largest freshwater bony fish in Australia. This elongate, deep bodied fish has a broad, depressed head, a short rounded snout and a large mouth with the lower jaw protruding slightly, and jaws extending beyond the eyes. The soft dorsal, anal and caudal fins are large and rounded. Murray Cod are brownish to yellowish-green with a mottled pattern of darker and paler markings above and a pale belly.
Murray Cod populations have reduced markedly throughout their natural range, and the species is now rare in some areas. They are very territorial, and prefer deep holes in rivers and streams with boulders, fallen trees and other woody debris and banks with overhanging vegetation.
Throughout most of the Murray-Darling River system of South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland, except for the upper reaches of the southern tributaries. Introduced into many lakes and dams throughout Victoria and New South Wales. Their abundance has been drastically reduced across their natural range and they are now considered rare in many Victorian tributaries.
Size / Weight / Age
Maturity: Lm 55.0, range 48 - 62 cm
Max length : 180 cm SL; common length : 60.0 cm SL
Max. published weight: 113.5 kg
max. reported age: 48 years