(Boulengerella cuvieri)

Boulengerella cuiveri, commonly known as the bicuda, is a species of pike-characin in the family Ctenoluciidae.
Boulengerella cuiveri grows to a maximum length of 88 cm (35 in), and has a maximum published weight of 6 kg (13 lb).
It is a carnivore, and typically preys upon smaller fish.
Boulengerella cuiveri is a freshwater fish native to the Amazon region. It can be found in Peru and Brazil, the Orinoco River in Colombia and Venezuela, and the tributaries of the Amazon, such as the Tocantins River, Araguaia River, Negro River, Madeira River, and others as far as Bolivia. Furthermore, it is can also be found in the Essequibo River in Guiana, Suriname, and French Guiana. It can be found on the surface of areas with rapidly flowing water, usually behind obstacles such as fallen logs or rocks.
It has ten to eleven dorsal soft rays, nine to eleven anal soft rays, and 48 to 49 vertebrae. It lacks dorsal and anal spines. The location of the dorsal fin base distinctly anterior to the vertical through the anal fin origin distinguishes this species from all ctenoluciids except B. lucius and B. xyrekes, from which it can be distinguished by the discrete black spot on the basal portions of the caudal fin rays, and also by different pigmentation on the body.