Steindachner Barbel
(Luciobarbus steindachneri)


Species: Luciobarbus steindachneri

General data

Scientific names: Steindachner Barbel
Habitat: Freshwater
Climate: Subtropical
Native: Europe
Distribution: Tagus, Guadiana

This barbel can reach a length of almost 50 cm (20 in) when adult. It is endemic to the Iberian Peninsula, where it is found in both Portugal and Spain. It occurs in deep, slow-moving rivers and reservoirs of the middle and lower Guadiana and Tagus drainage basins. Abundant growth of water plants seems to be necessary for it to thrive.

It has declined by more than a third since the late 1990s, and it is not a common species anymore; it is classified as Vulnerable by the IUCN. The main cause of its decline is unsustainable use of water resources, such as water pollution, extraction for agriculture and damming. Introduced exotic fishes pose an additional problem.