Redtail chub
(Nocomis effusus)

General data

Scientific names: Redtail chub
Habitat: Freshwater
Climate: Temperate
Distribution: Mississippi River

The redtail chub is found in north central Tennessee as well as south central Kentucky. Specifically, it is found in the central and western portions of the Ohio River basin, including in the upper Green, upper Barren, Cumberland, Duck, and lower Tennessee rivers.

The impoundment of Lake Cumberland likely extirpated the species from the impounded area, as Nocomis has specific habitat requirements, including flowing water and medium gravel needed for successful reproduction.

The redtail chub has not been found in the same waters as the river chub. This might be because of some interspecific interactions.

However, the redtail chub prefers smaller streams than the river chub, so interspecific competition does not offer the entire explanation. It has been suggested that the two species could have shared habitat in what is now Cumberland Lake. Virtual restriction of redtail chub to Highland Rim habitats which are only marginally occupied by the river chub suggests a powerful physiographic component to these distributions. Apparently the redtail chub is strongly tied to the Mississippian gravel habitats of the Highland Rim.

Max length: 23 cm TL