Iberian nase
(Pseudochondrostoma polylepis)


Species: Pseudochondrostoma polylepis

General data

Scientific names: Iberian nase
Habitat: Freshwater
Climates: Subtropical, Temperate
Native: Europe
Distribution: Tagus

Europe: Tagus drainage in Spain and Portugal; Vouga, Modego, Algoa and Sado drainages in Portugal. Introduced in Jucar and Segura drainages in Spain.

Max length: 40 cm SL

Short description

Diagnosed from its congeners by having the following characters: lower jaw edge straight; 61-75 + 3-4 scales on lateral line; anal fin usually with 9½ branched rays; 22-31 gill rakers; usually 6-5 pharyngeal teeth; and caudal peduncle depth 1.8-2.2 times in its length.


Inhabits middle stretches of rivers in areas with current. Can survive in reservoirs. Occurs in groups, especially during pre-reproduction migration. Also found in lakes. Feeds on vegetal matter, small invertebrates and detritus.

Spawning occurs in spring in shallow water, on gravel and sometimes on timber pilings in the river.

Threatened due to the introduction of other species.