Marsh killifish
(Fundulus confluentus)

Image source: lcabe |
General data
The Marsh Killifish (Fundulus confluentus) is native to the coastal regions of the southeastern United States. Its distribution extends from Chesapeake Bay through southern Florida, including the Florida Keys, and along the northeastern Gulf of Mexico.
This species inhabits both brackish and freshwater environments, commonly found in marshes, bayous, and tidal streams.
Notably, it is present in the Mobile Basin, which encompasses parts of Alabama and Florida.
The Marsh Killifish is known for its adaptability to varying salinity levels, thriving in diverse aquatic habitats.
Temperate: 15°C - 26°C
Max length: 8 cm TL
Omnivorous and feeds on small fishes, insects, small crustaceans, plants, annelid worms and mollusks.