Porthole livebearer
(Poeciliopsis gracilis)


Species: Poeciliopsis gracilis

General data

Scientific names: Porthole livebearer
Habitat: Freshwater
Climates: Tropical, Subtropical

Poeciliopsis gracilis is a small and peaceful livebearer from Central America. The common name Porthole Livebeare was undoubtedly bestowed because the round black markings on the flank of the fish are reminiscent of portholes on a ship. Although not particularly colorful, this species has nice markings and is an active swimmer.

Both males and females have slivery-gold base iridescent base color overlayed with four or five dark, round spots which are nearly perfectly round.

Poeciliopsis gracilis is incredibly prolific, so be prepared to share lots of fry with friends.

This fish is found along the Atlantic coast of Mexico, Guatemala and Honduras, usually in slow moving water such as ditches and irrigation canals. Introduced populations have been found in Central Mexico, Venezuela and even the United States (California). Water conditions for native fish vary widely from 6.5 to 7.8 pH.

Max length: 9 cm TL