Hawaiian squirrelfish
(Sargocentron xantherythrum)

Image source: Jo's Animal Database


Species: Sargocentron xantherythrum

General data

Scientific names: Hawaiian squirrelfish
Habitat: Saltwater
Climate: Tropical
Native to coast of: Australia & Oceania
Distribution: Pacific Ocean

Sargocentron xantherythrum, commonly known as Hawaiian squirrelfish or striped squirrelfish, is a member of the squirrelfish family.

It is known from the Hawaiian Islands and Johnston Atoll.

It grows to a total length of 17 centimeters (6.7 in).

This fish has a red coloration with white stripes running along the body. It has sharp gill spines and rough scales that can cause the fish to be snagged in netting materials.

This is a nocturnal species that inhabits seaward reefs below the surge zone, and is common near caves and ledges. It feeds mainly on worms, crustaceans and starfish.