Pearl perch
(Glaucosoma scapulare)

General data
The Pearl Perch can be recognised by its supracleithrum, the bone that projects as a blue-black to grey bony shield from under the upper operculum. If the thin layer of skin covering the supracleithrum is removed, the pearly-white bone is revealed. The colouration of the supracleithrum is the origin of the common name of this fish.
The Pearl Perch has a robust body, a large mouth and a second dorsal fin which is higher than the first. The body is silvery to grey, and each scale has a small golden brown spot. There is a dark spot at the base of the last dorsal fin rays. A brown line passes diagonally through the eye of juveniles.
The species lives in coastal waters to depths of 90 m.
It is endemic to Australia, occurring from the central coast of Queensland to the central New South Wales coast.
Max length : 70.0 cm TL; common length : 35.0 cm TL
Max. published weight: 7.3 kg
Max. reported age: 19 years