Blubberlip snapper
(Lutjanus rivulatus)

General data
Lutjanus rivulatus has a very deep body in which the standard length is only just over twice the depth of the body at its deepest. It has a steeply sloped forehead and the knob and incision in the preopercle are moderately developed. The vomerine teeth are arranged in a crescent-shaped patch with no rearwards extension and the smooth tongue lacks teeth. It has thickened lips.
The dorsal fin contains 10 spines and 15-16 soft rays and the anal fin has 3 spines and 8 soft rays, the dorsal fin has a rounded rear profile while that of the anal fin is sharply pointed. The pectoral fins contain 17 rays and the caudal fin is either truncate or weakly emarginate.
This species attains a maximum total length of 80 cm (31 in), although 60 cm (24 in) is more typical, and the maximum published weight is 11 kg (24 lb).
This species has an overall colour of brown with reddish hue and contrasting vivid yellow outer dorsal, anal and caudal fins. There is a pattern of blue lines on the head and finer blue dashes and dots on the body with an blurred dark bar over the base of the pectoral-fin that becomes even less distinct as the fish grows. As well as this bar the juveniles have a white spot on the flanks. Juveniles are also marked with 3-8 dark, vertical bars.