Common topknot
(Zeugopterus punctatus)


Species: Zeugopterus punctatus

General data

Scientific names: Common topknot
Habitat: Saltwater
Climate: Temperate
Native to coast of: Europe

Zeugopterus punctatus, the common topknot, is a species of left eyed flatfish in the family Scophthalmidae, from the eastern Atlantic Ocean.

Zeugopterus punctatus is a small left-sided flatfish that is almost completely round in shape, with a broad body relative to its length. It is a mottled brown and white colour, a dark bar through the eyes, light wide fins all the way round its body and a very small tail.

Unlike most other flatfish, the Zeugopterus punctatus does not seem to change colour for camouflage but relies on immobility to avoid detection.

Zeugopterus punctatus grows to a maximum length of about 25 cm.

It is sometimes confused with the lemon sole Microstomus kitti which can be found on rocky substrates too but has a noticeable pattern on its back, does not have such long fins and is a more pointed shape. The eyed side is covered in small ctenoid scales while the blind side has cycloid scales, the many small ctenoid scales feel downy to the touch.

The eastern Atlantic Ocean including the North Sea, Baltic Sea, English Channel, Bay of Biscay south to the coast of Portugal.