Pacific Chub Mackerel
(Scomber japonicus)

General data
Chub mackerel are widespread in the Pacific. They are absent from the Indian Ocean except for a small range in South Africa from KwaZulu-Natal to Western Cape.
In the Atlantic, they are replaced by the closely related Atlantic chub mackerel.
The chub mackerel is widely distributed, usually found in the northwestern, southeastern, and northeastern Pacific. In the eastern Pacific, it can be found from Southeast Alaska to central Mexico.
Chub mackerel are generally found within 20 miles (37 km) off the coast in waters between 50 and 72 °F (10 to 22 °C). Young mackerel live around sandy beaches or kelp beds, while adults are found in deeper waters in shallow banks to 1000 feet (300 m) deep. Chub mackerel school with other pelagic species, such as other types of mackerels and sardines. In 2015, a new species of mackerels were found in the Indian Ocean classified as Scomber indicus.