Saitone prickleback
(Chirolophis saitone)


Species: Chirolophis saitone

General data

Scientific names: Saitone prickleback
Habitat: Saltwater
Climate: Temperate
Native to coast of: Asia
Distribution: Pacific Ocean, Sea of Japan

Northwest Pacific: Japan and Russia, Peter the Great Bay
Max length : 10 cm SL

Body deep and compressed posteriorly. Head moderate. Snout very short,its length smaller than eye diameter. Eye large, placed far forward and upward.

Interorbital very narrow and flat. Mouth moderate,maxillary just extending to middle to posterior edge of pupil.

Lower jaw a little longer than upper jaw. Both jaws with fleshy lips. Head and nape just in front of dorsal origin naked entirely and body covered with
minute overlapping cycloid scales. Pectoral fin large, rounded, its rays branched and thickened. Ventral fin small, its rays branched. Dorsal fin base long, its origin located a little before gill.

On head numerous matted tentacles present along supraorbital to nape just in front of dorsal origin in a cluster of variously sized tentacles with minute branchlets.