Chinese longsnout catfish
(Tachysurus dumerili)

Image source: Jo's Animal Database
General data
Asia: China and Korea
Max length : 80.4 cm TL; max. published weight: 4.8 kg
Tachysurus can be identified by an extrascapular without a laterosensory canal, and a pterotic with a broad lateral laminar expansion. It is among the most speciose catfish groups in East Asia and its members inhabit habitats ranging from fast-flowing hillstreams to large rivers.
Easily distinguished by its grey body and long snout.
Often mislabelled Leiocassis longirostris in many references.
Males have an elongate genital papilla in front of the anal fin.
Historically important in Korea, the last known capture of the fish was in 1982. The species was declared extinct in Korea in 1985. However, in 2007, an intensive breeding program was begun using specimens imported from China. The fish was re-introduced into the wild in 2008.