Two-lined monocle bream
(Scolopsis bilineata)

General data
Scolopsis bilineata, the two-lined monocle bream, is a species of threadfin bream native to the Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean.
An inhabitant of coral reefs, this species can be found at depths from 1 to 25 m (3.3 to 82.0 ft). They are carnivorous, preying on smaller fishes, as well as benthic invertebrates.
This species can reach a length of 25 cm (9.8 in), though most only reach a length of around 13 cm (5.1 in).
This species is sought-after by local peoples for food and can also be found in the aquarium trade.
The two-lined monocle bream exhibits biofluorescence, that is, when illuminated by blue or ultraviolet light, it re-emits it as green, and appears differently than under white light illumination (only stripes on the upper front part are visible). Biofluorescence may assist in intraspecific communication and camouflage, blending the fish with green-fluorescing Acropora corals.