Zebra sea bream
(Diplodus cervinus)

Diplodus cervinus
Diplodus - Sea breams
Family: Sparidae - Sea breams
Superclass: Osteichthyes - Bony fishes
General data
Scientific names:
Zebra sea bream
Local names:
Horned bream
The zebra seabream has a high compressed laterally body with a pointed snout and thick lips.
It is a medium-sized fish which can reach a maximum length of 55 cm, with an average length of 35 cm.
Its background color is silvered with dark vertical bands, the first five ones run across the body from the caudal peduncle to the pectoral fins level, another characteristic dark band cross the space between the eyes while crossing them.
Diplodus cervinus is found in eastern Atlantic Ocean from Gulf of Biscay to South Africa and also in Mediterranean Sea.
Youth, it prefers shallow and quiet living areas like rocks, piers and grass beds. Adult, it usually lives rocky slopes and wrecks.[