Stylephoridae - Tube-eyes

Family: Stylephoridae - Tube-eyes
Order: Stylephoriformes - Tube-eyes
Superclass: Osteichthyes - Bony fishes
Body ribbon-like; dorsal fin extending from nape to tail, with 115–124 rays; anal fin short, 15–17 rays; pectoral-fin rays 10 or 11 and unbranched, base horizontal; pelvic fin with only one ray; caudal fin in two parts, upper with five rays and lower with two extremely elongate rays; branchiostegal rays reduced to five.
Eyes large, telescopic, may be directed forward or upward; mouth small and protractile; teeth small; no swimbladder; about 50 vertebrae.
This fish swims in a vertical position, head uppermost.
Probably one species, Stylephorus chordatus. It occurs at depths of about 300–800 m. Maximum length 31 cm.