Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Amiiformes - Bowfins
Lepisosteiformes - Gars
Moroniformes - Temperate basses
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Acanthuriformes - Surgeonfishes
Petromyzontiformes - Lampreys
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Amiiformes - Bowfins
Lepisosteiformes - Gars
Moroniformes - Temperate basses
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Acanthuriformes - Surgeonfishes
Petromyzontiformes - Lampreys
The Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is a 76,000 acre (307 km2) national wildlife refuge located in south-central Arkansas in Ashley, Bradley, and Union counties. Felsenthal NWR is one of three refuges forming an administrative complex, which also includes Pond Creek NWR to the northwest and Overflow NWR to the east.
Felsenthal National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) is a wetlands complex located on the confluence of the Saline and Ouachita Rivers. The refuge is dissected by an intricate system of rivers, creeks, sloughs, and lakes throughout a bottomland hardwood forest that rises to an upland forest community. The Felsenthal basin holds approximately 15,000 acres of water that can double to over 36,000 acres during periods of heavy flooding.
Felsenthal NWR’s habitat diversity supports a large amount of biodiversity. Over 1,150 species of plants and animals have been documented on the refuge. Felsenthal NWR is the only national wildlife refuge in Arkansas with a population of the federally-protected red-cockaded woodpecker. The refuge has been recognized as part of a globally Important Bird Area by the National Audubon Society.
Due to its bountiful water resources, the refuge is a popular destination for sport fishing, crawfishing, and frogging. Largemouth bass, crappie, bream, and catfish are some of the most popular gamefish that occur within refuge waters. Anglers have access to several improved boat ramps and fishing piers.
Refuge waters include the Ouachita River, Saline River, Lapile Creek, a 15,000-acre impoundment that seasonally floods to 36,000 acres, several oxbow lakes, and numerous smaller sloughs and creeks. Recreational fishing in the Eagle Lake and Woodland Trail ponds is open to youth 12 and under, to individuals with disabilities, and to seniors 65 and older. The ponds are also used for special fishing events.
Anglers that wish to commercially fish or host a fishing tournament on the refuge are required to obtain a Special Use permit. Permits may be obtained by contacting our refuge headquarters with a formal request. All Special Use permit applications are subject to a two-week turnaround time.