Verkhnesvirskoe Reservoir

Perciformes - Perches
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Scorpaeniformes - Mail-cheeked fishes
Perciformes - Perches
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Scorpaeniformes - Mail-cheeked fishes
The Verkhnesvirskoye Reservoir is an artificial reservoir. The reservoir is located on the Svir River in the Leningrad and Vologda regions and in the Republic of Karelia .
The reservoir was formed in 1953 on the Svir River as a result of the construction of the Verkhne-Svirskaya hydroelectric power station .
Area – 116 km² ; taking into account Lake Onega, the area is 9840 km². Full volume – 295 km³, useful volume – 13 km³. Maximum depth – 120 m. Catchment area – 57,300 km².