Blue Nile

Perciformes - Perches
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Cichliformes - Cichlids
Osteoglossiformes - Bony tongues
Ceratodontiformes - Lungfishes
Polypteriformes - Bichirs
Characiformes - Characins
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Syngnathiformes - Pipefishes and Seahorses
Perciformes - Perches
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Cichliformes - Cichlids
Osteoglossiformes - Bony tongues
Ceratodontiformes - Lungfishes
Polypteriformes - Bichirs
Characiformes - Characins
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Syngnathiformes - Pipefishes and Seahorses
The Blue Nile is a river originating at Lake Tana in Ethiopia. It travels for approximately 1,450 km (900 mi) through Ethiopia and Sudan. Along with the White Nile, it is one of the two major tributaries of the Nile and supplies about 85.6% of the water to the Nile during the rainy season.