Nares River

Natural lakes
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Esociformes - Pikes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Gadiformes - Cods
Gasterosteiformes - Sticklebacks
Percopsiformes - Trout-perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Esociformes - Pikes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Gadiformes - Cods
Gasterosteiformes - Sticklebacks
Percopsiformes - Trout-perches
The Nares River is a river in the Yukon and British Columbia, Canada. It is in the Bering Sea drainage basin, is a tributary of Tagish Lake, and is named for George Nares, a naval officer.
The river begins at Bennett Lake at the community of Carcross, flows through Nares Lake, and reaches its mouth at Tagish Lake at Ten Mile Point. Tagish Lake flows via the Tagish River and the Yukon River to the Bering Sea.