Seven Mile River

Water type: River
Basin: East Brookfield River -> Quaboag Pond -> Quaboag River -> Chicopee River -> Connecticut River -> Atlantic Ocean -> Planet Earth
North America
United States of America
Largest tributaries
Perciformes - Perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Esociformes - Pikes
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Moroniformes - Temperate basses
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Pleuronectiformes - Flatfishes
Percopsiformes - Trout-perches
Cyprinodontiformes - Toothcarps
Petromyzontiformes - Lampreys
Perciformes - Perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Esociformes - Pikes
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Moroniformes - Temperate basses
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Pleuronectiformes - Flatfishes
Percopsiformes - Trout-perches
Cyprinodontiformes - Toothcarps
Petromyzontiformes - Lampreys
The Seven Mile River or Sevenmile River is a 15.4 km long stream in central Massachusetts. It heads at Browning Pond, at the Oakham and Spencer border, and travels south through Spencer, following a short distance from State Route 31 (North Spencer Road). It crosses under Route 31 the highway becomes Pleasant Street, then continues south along Old Meadow Road and under State Route 9 near the junction of State Route 49. It then parallels Route 9 to its south until it joins the East Brookfield River between Lake Lashaway and Quaboag Pond.