Trinity River (California)
Water type: River
North America
United States of America (USA)
Perciformes - Perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Scorpaeniformes - Mail-cheeked fishes
Gasterosteiformes - Sticklebacks
Perciformes - Perches
Salmoniformes - Salmons and Trouts
Siluriformes - Catfishes
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Cypriniformes - Carps
Scorpaeniformes - Mail-cheeked fishes
Gasterosteiformes - Sticklebacks
The Trinity River is a major river in northwestern California in the United States, and is the principal tributary of the Klamath River. The Trinity flows for 165 miles (266 km) through the Klamath Mountains and Coast Ranges, with a watershed area of nearly 3,000 square miles (7,800 km2) in Trinity and Humboldt Counties. Designated a National Wild and Scenic River, along most of its course the Trinity flows swiftly through tight canyons and mountain meadows.
The river is known for its once prolific runs of anadromous fish, notably Chinook salmon and steelhead, which sustained Native American tribes for thousands of years.