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Aegean Sea
Water type: Sea
Connection to the ocean:
Mediterranean Sea
Atlantic Ocean
Climate: Subtropical
Catches (340)
Sea of Crete
Gulf of Candarli
Gulf of Izmir
Lake Dil
Saronic Gulf
Malian Gulf
North Euboean Gulf
Petalioi Gulf
Argolic Gulf
Largest tributaries
Vardar (Axios)
Lissos (Filiouris)
Buyuk Menderes
Kucuk Menderes River
Karamenderes River
Struma (Strymonas)
Maritsa (Evros)
Pineios (Thessaly)
Natural lakes
Doiran Lake
Lake Vistonida
Smaller tributaries
Richeios river
Azmak Creek
Syngnathiformes - Pipefishes and Seahorses
Black-striped pipefish (
Syngnathus abaster
Greater pipefish (
Syngnathus acus
Broadnosed pipefish (
Syngnathus typhle
Anguilliformes - Eels and morays
European eel (
Anguilla anguilla
Mediterranean moray (
Muraena helena
European conger (
Conger conger
Purplemouth moray (
Gymnothorax vicinus
Moroniformes - Temperate basses
European bass (
Dicentrarchus labrax
Spotted seabass (
Dicentrarchus punctatus
Mugiliformes - Mullets
Boxlip mullet (
Oedalechilus labeo
Thicklip grey mullet (
Chelon labrosus
Golden grey mullet (
Chelon auratus
Thinlip grey mullet (
Chelon ramada
Leaping mullet (
Chelon saliens
Flathead grey mullet (
Mugil cephalus
Clupeiformes - Herrings
Twaite shad (
Alosa fallax
European anchovy (
Engraulis encrasicolus
Atlantic herring (
Clupea harengus
European sprat (
Sprattus sprattus
Perciformes - Perches
Bluefish (
Pomatomus saltatrix
Comber (
Serranus cabrilla
Painted comber (
Serranus scriba
Brown comber (
Serranus hepatus
Atlantic goliath grouper (
Epinephelus itajara
Dusky grouper (
Epinephelus marginatus
Damselfish (
Chromis chromis
Goldblotch grouper (
Epinephelus costae
Bastard grunt (
Pomadasys incisus
Swallowtail sea perch (
Anthias anthias
Rubberlip grunt (
Plectorhinchus mediterraneus
Blacktail comber (
Serranus atricauda
White grouper (
Epinephelus aeneus
Canary damsel (
Similiparma lurida
Red bandfish (
Cepola macrophthalma
Spariformes - Breams and porgies
Common two-banded sea bream (
Diplodus vulgaris
Sargo (
Diplodus sargus
Annular seabream (
Diplodus annularis
Sharpsnout seabream (
Diplodus puntazzo
Common dentex (
Dentex dentex
Salema (
Sarpa salpa
Sand steenbras (
Lithognathus mormyrus
Gilt-head bream (
Sparus aurata
Saddled seabream (
Oblada melanura
Common pandora (
Pagellus erythrinus
Bogue (
Boops boops
Red porgy (
Pagrus pagrus
Pink dentex (
Dentex gibbosus
Blotched picarel (
Spicara maena
Atlantic tripletail (
Lobotes surinamensis
Axillary seabream (
Pagellus acarne
Moroccan white seabream (
Diplodus cadenati
Zebra sea bream (
Diplodus cervinus
Redbanded seabream (
Pagrus auriga
Black seabream (
Spondyliosoma cantharus
Blackspot seabream (
Pagellus bogaraveo
Carangiformes - Jacks
Greater amberjack (
Seriola dumerili
Common dolphinfish (
Coryphaena hippurus
Atlantic horse mackerel (
Trachurus trachurus
Pompano (
Trachinotus ovatus
Leerfish (
Lichia amia
Swordfish (
Xiphias gladius
Atlantic white marlin (
Kajikia albida
Blue marlin (
Makaira nigricans
Atlantic sailfish (
Istiophorus albicans
Indo-Pacific sailfish (
Istiophorus platypterus
Shortbill spearfish (
Tetrapturus angustirostris
Crevalle jack (
Caranx hippos
Cobia (
Rachycentron canadum
Mediterranean horse mackerel (
Trachurus mediterraneus
False scad (
Caranx rhonchus
Rainbow runner (
Elagatis bipinnulata
Longfin yellowtail (
Seriola rivoliana
Guinean amberjack (
Seriola carpenteri
Blue runner (
Caranx crysos
White trevally (
Pseudocaranx dentex
Live sharksucker (
Echeneis naucrates
Beloniformes - Needlefishes
Garfish (
Belone belone
Flat needlefish (
Ablennes hians
Agujon Needlefish (
Tylosurus acus
Labriformes - Wrasses
Mediterranean rainbow wrasse (
Coris julis
Cuckoo wrasse (
Labrus mixtus
Ornate wrasse (
Thalassoma pavo
Ocellated wrasse (
Symphodus ocellatus
Axillary wrasse (
Symphodus mediterraneus
East Atlantic peacock wrasse (
Symphodus tinca
Five-spotted wrasse (
Symphodus roissali
Mediterranean parrotfish (
Sparisoma cretense
Ballan wrasse (
Labrus bergylta
Brown wrasse (
Labrus merula
Green wrasse (
Labrus viridis
Corkwing wrasse (
Symphodus melops
Goldsinny wrasse (
Ctenolabrus rupestris
Pearly razorfish (
Xyrichtys novacula
Grey wrasse (
Symphodus cinereus
Baillon’s wrasse (
Symphodus bailloni
Scale-rayed wrasse (
Acantholabrus palloni
Scombriformes - Mackerels
Atlantic mackerel (
Scomber scombrus
Atlantic chub mackerel (
Scomber colias
Atlantic bonito (
Sarda sarda
Yellowfin tuna (
Thunnus albacares
Wahoo (
Acanthocybium solandri
Atlantic Spanish mackerel (
Scomberomorus maculatus
Bigeye tuna (
Thunnus obesus
Albacore (
Thunnus alalunga
Silver scabbardfish (
Lepidopus caudatus
Scorpaeniformes - Mail-cheeked fishes
Red scorpionfish (
Scorpaena scrofa
Small red scorpionfish (
Scorpaena notata
Madeira rockfish (
Scorpaena maderensis
Black scorpionfish (
Scorpaena porcus
Devil firefish (
Pterois miles
Spotted wolffish (
Anarhichas minor
Streaked gurnard (
Chelidonichthys lastoviza
Tub gurnard (
Chelidonichthys lucerna
Longspined bullhead (
Taurulus bubalis
Grey gurnard (
Eutrigla gurnardus
Red gurnard (
Chelidonichthys cuculus
Mulliformes - Goatfishes
Red mullet (
Mullus barbatus
Istiophoriformes - Barracudas
European barracuda (
Sphyraena sphyraena
Yellowmouth Barracuda (
Sphyraena viridensis
Aulopiformes - Grinners
Atlantic lizardfish (
Synodus saurus
Gobiiformes - Gobies
Rock goby (
Gobius paganellus
Sand goby (
Pomatoschistus minutus
Common goby (
Pomatoschistus microps
Two-spotted goby (
Pomatoschistus flavescens
Leopard-spotted goby (
Thorogobius ephippiatus
Fries's goby (
Lesueurigobius friesii
Transparent goby (
Aphia minuta
Couch's goby (
Gobius couchi
Jeffrey’s goby (
Buenia jeffreysii
Gadiformes - Cods
Whiting (
Merlangius merlangus
Silvery pout (
Gadiculus argenteus
Pouting (
Trisopterus luscus
Forkbeard (
Phycis phycis
Greater forkbeard (
Phycis blennoides
Spanish ling (
Molva macrophthalma
Shore rockling (
Gaidropsarus mediterraneus
Abyssal grenadier (
Coryphaenoides armatus
Common mora (
Mora moro
Blue whiting (
Micromesistius poutassou
Lamniformes - Mackerel sharks
Great white shark (
Carcharodon carcharias
Sand tiger shark (
Carcharias taurus
Basking shark (
Cetorhinus maximus
Smalltooth sand tiger (
Odontaspis ferox
Thresher (
Alopias vulpinus
Bigeye thresher (
Alopias superciliosus
Carcharhiniformes - Ground sharks
Lesser spotted dogfish (
Scyliorhinus canicula
Nursehound (
Scyliorhinus stellaris
Blackmouth catshark (
Galeus melastomus
Smooth hammerhead (
Sphyrna zygaena
Bull Shark (
Carcharhinus leucas
Great hammerhead (
Sphyrna mokarran
Starry smooth-hound (
Mustelus asterias
Silky shark (
Carcharhinus falciformis
Common smooth-hound (
Mustelus mustelus
Milk shark (
Rhizoprionodon acutus
Scalloped hammerhead (
Sphyrna lewini
Blacktip shark (
Carcharhinus limbatus
Orectolobiformes - Carpet shark
Whale shark (
Rhincodon typus
Elopiformes - Tarpons and tenpounders
Atlantic tarpon (
Megalops atlanticus
Myliobatiformes - Stingrays
Giant manta ray (
Mobula birostris
Common stingray (
Dasyatis pastinaca
Marbled stingray (
Dasyatis marmorata
Common eagle ray (
Myliobatis aquila
Round fantail stingray (
Taeniurops grabatus
Bull ray (
Aetomylaeus bovinus
Brown stingray (
Bathytoshia lata
Zeiformes - Dories
John Dory (
Zeus faber
Tetraodontiformes - Puffers and filefishes
Ocean sunfish (
Mola mola
Grey triggerfish (
Balistes capriscus
Guinean puffer (
Sphoeroides marmoratus
Queen triggerfish (
Balistes vetula
Dactylopteriformes - Flying gurnards
Flying gurnard (
Dactylopterus volitans
Lampriformes - Lamprids
Giant oarfish (
Regalecus glesne
Mediterranean dealfish (
Trachipterus trachypterus
North Atlantic opah (
Lampris guttatus
Squaliformes - Sleeper and dogfish sharks
Spiny dogfish (
Squalus acanthias
Velvet belly lanternshark (
Etmopterus spinax
Angular roughshark (
Oxynotus centrina
Trachiniformes - Weeverfishes
Atlantic stargazer (
Uranoscopus scaber
Lesser weever (
Echiichthys vipera
Lophiiformes - Anglerfishes
European anglerfish (
Lophius piscatorius
Blackbellied anglerfish (
Lophius budegassa
Acanthuriformes - Surgeonfishes
Shi drum (
Umbrina cirrosa
Meagre (
Argyrosomus regius
Brown meagre (
Sciaena umbra
Canary drum (
Umbrina canariensis
Emperor angelfish (
Pomacanthus imperator
Rajiformes - Skates and rays
Common skate (
Dipturus batis
Blonde ray (
Raja brachyura
Spotted ray (
Raja montagui
Longnosed skate (
Dipturus oxyrinchus
Undulate ray (
Raja undulata
Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish
Atlantic sturgeon (
Acipenser oxyrinchus
Cyprinodontiformes - Toothcarps
Mummichog (
Fundulus heteroclitus
Notacanthiformes - Spiny eels
Snub-nosed spiny eel (
Notacanthus chemnitzii
Saccopharyngiformes - Swallowers and Gulpers
Pelican eel (
Eurypharynx pelecanoides
Argentiniformes - Marine smelts
Argentine (
Argentina sphyraena
Myctophiformes - Lanternfishes
Spotted lanternfish (
Myctophum punctatum
Stylephoriformes - Tube-eyes
Tube-eye (
Stylephorus chordatus
Beryciformes - Sawbellies
Alfonsino (
Beryx decadactylus
Ophidiiformes - Cusk-eels
Pudgy cuskeel (
Spectrunculus grandis
Brunswig's Cusk-eel (
Lamprogrammus brunswigi
Kurtiformes - Nurseryfishes & Cardinalfishes
Mediterranean cardinalfish (
Apogon imberbis
Acropomatiformes - Oceanic basses
Blackmouth ocean bass (
Synagrops bellus
Atlantic wreckfish (
Polyprion americanus
Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes
Bermuda sea chub (
Kyphosus sectatrix
Brassy chub (
Kyphosus vaigiensis
Pleuronectiformes - Flatfishes
Turbot (
Scophthalmus maximus
Wide-eyed flounder (
Bothus podas
Senegalese sole (
Solea senegalensis
Imperial scaldfish (
Arnoglossus imperialis
Mediterranean scaldfish (
Arnoglossus laterna
Brill (
Scophthalmus rhombus
Blenniiformes - Blennies
Peacock blenny (
Salaria pavo
Sphinx blenny (
Aidablennius sphynx
Butterfly blenny (
Blennius ocellaris
Longstriped blenny (
Parablennius rouxi
Ringneck blenny (
Parablennius pilicornis
Montagu’s blenny (
Coryphoblennius galerita
Molly miller (
Scartella cristata
Gurnard blenny (
Lipophrys trigloides
Shanny (
Lipophrys pholis
Atheriniformes - Silversides
Sand smelt (
Atherina presbyter
Big-scale sand smelt (
Atherina boyeri
Callionymiformes - Dragonets
Common dragonet (
Callionymus lyra
Reticulated dragonet (
Callionymus reticulatus
Spotted dragonet (
Callionymus maculatus
Gobiesociformes - Clingfishes
Connemarra clingfish (
Lepadogaster candolii
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