Ionian Sea

Water type: Sea
Connection to the ocean: Mediterranean Sea -> Atlantic Ocean
Continent: Europe
Climate: Subtropical

Syngnathiformes - Pipefishes and Seahorses

Anguilliformes - Eels and morays

Moroniformes - Temperate basses

Mugiliformes - Mullets

Clupeiformes - Herrings

Perciformes - Perches

Spariformes - Breams and porgies

Carangiformes - Jacks

Beloniformes - Needlefishes

Labriformes - Wrasses

Scombriformes - Mackerels

Scorpaeniformes - Mail-cheeked fishes

Mulliformes - Goatfishes

Istiophoriformes - Barracudas

Aulopiformes - Grinners

Gobiiformes - Gobies

Gadiformes - Cods

Lamniformes - Mackerel sharks

Carcharhiniformes - Ground sharks

Orectolobiformes - Carpet shark

Elopiformes - Tarpons and tenpounders

Myliobatiformes - Stingrays

Zeiformes - Dories

Tetraodontiformes - Puffers and filefishes

Dactylopteriformes - Flying gurnards

Lampriformes - Lamprids

Squaliformes - Sleeper and dogfish sharks

Trachiniformes - Weeverfishes

Lophiiformes - Anglerfishes

Acanthuriformes - Surgeonfishes

Rajiformes - Skates and rays

Acipenseriformes - Sturgeons and Paddlefish

Cyprinodontiformes - Toothcarps

Notacanthiformes - Spiny eels

Saccopharyngiformes - Swallowers and Gulpers

Argentiniformes - Marine smelts

Myctophiformes - Lanternfishes

Stylephoriformes - Tube-eyes

Beryciformes - Sawbellies

Ophidiiformes - Cusk-eels

Kurtiformes - Nurseryfishes & Cardinalfishes

Acropomatiformes - Oceanic basses

Centrarchiformes - Basses and sunfishes

Pleuronectiformes - Flatfishes

Blenniiformes - Blennies

Atheriniformes - Silversides

Callionymiformes - Dragonets

Gobiesociformes - Clingfishes

The Ionian Sea is an elongated bay of the Mediterranean Sea. It is connected to the Adriatic Sea to the north and is bounded by Southern Italy, including Calabria, Sicily, and the Salento peninsula to the west, southern Albania (and western Apulia, Italy) to the north, and the west coast of Greece, including the Peloponnese.

All major islands in the sea, which are located in the east of the sea, belong to Greece. They are collectively named the Ionian Islands, the main ones being Corfu, Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Lefkada, and Ithaca.

There are ferry routes between Patras and Igoumenitsa, Greece, and Brindisi and Ancona, Italy, that cross the east and north of the Ionian Sea, and from Piraeus westward. Calypso Deep, the deepest point in the Mediterranean at 5,267 m (17,280 ft), is in the Ionian Sea, at 36°34′N 21°8′E.[1][2] The sea is one of the most seismically active areas in the world.